[originaltext]W: You know, most workers are working under great pressure. How a
[originaltext]W: You know, most workers are working under great pressure. How a
W: You know, most workers are working under great pressure. How about overtime work?
M: Overtime work is very common in companies.(6- 1)I can work overtime if it’s necessary, but I don’t think we will work overtime every day.
W: Do you like regular work?
M:(6-2)No, I don’t like regular work. I am interested in different projects with new opportunities. But I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so. Everything becomes routine after a while. But it’s up to us to make that routine a creative experience.
W: Oh, yes, I do agree. How soon can you begin working for us?
M: Er, I need about two to three weeks for necessary formalities. I will quit then and transfer to your company.
W:(7)You performed very well, sir! I think you are the right person we are looking for. If you have no questions, please go through the contract and sign it.
M: OK. Thank you very much.
W: Have you finished going through the contract?
M: Yes, but I have a few questions for you.
W: OK. Ask away.
M: First, I’d like to know if you offer employees sick leave.
W:(8- 1)Yes, employees can take up to 10 days of sick leave per year.(8-2/9- 1)However, in order to get paid, you’ll have to bring in a note from the doctor’s.
M:(9- 2)Even if I’m only sick for one day?
W:(9 - 3)That’s correct.
M:(8-3/9-4)That’s pretty strict, if you ask me.
W:(9 - 5)Well, we’ve had to add that to the contract because we found that many of our employees were taking almost one sick day a month, even though they weren’t sick.
M: I see. I guess that makes sense.
W: Do you have any other questions?
M: Yes.(8-4)Maternity leave is mentioned in the contract, but there’s nothing in the contract about paternity leave. Do you offer anything to fathers?
W: We do actually. We can add that as an amendment to your contract.
M: How many days of paternity leave do you offer?
W: Men are allowed to take 10 days of paternity leave for their first child.
M:(9- 6)Why are women allowed so much more time for maternity leave?
W: Well, women are the ones giving birth. I think it’s fair to give them more time, don’t you?
M: I guess so. I don’t have any other questions. Should I sign here then?
W: Yes, please.
This is the end of Part Two of the interview. Questions 6 to 10 are based on what you have just heard.
6. Which of the following is most acceptable to the candidate?
7. What does the interviewer think of the candidate?
8. Which of the following is INCORRECT about the leave of absence?
9. Which statement about the employment contract is CORRECT?
10. What is this part of the interview mainly about?
A、The employees can get paid sick leave every year.
B、There is a hard and fast rule about asking for a sick leave.
C、Paternity leave hasn’t been mentioned in the contract yet.
D、Male employees are entitled to paternity leave with full pay.
乙醇在片剂制备中可作为哪种辅料()A.润滑剂 B.润湿剂 C.助流剂 D
下列造血系统疾病,不属于脾切除适应证的是A.多毛细胞白血病 B.自体免疫性溶血
新生儿窒息,Apgar评分为4分时处理首选A、口对口人工呼吸法 B、清理呼吸道
溃疡性结肠炎急性发作期和暴发型患者的饮食为A.多食水果及纤维素多的蔬菜 B.应