[originaltext]M: You know what, I have here an example of a complaint letter. T
[originaltext]M: You know what, I have here an example of a complaint letter. T
M: You know what, I have here an example of a complaint letter. This is on the Sarasota, Florida, public school system’s Web site, and it was written to this clothing company. And this is a letter about some shoes, and it begins " To Whom It May Concern: On September 20, I ordered by phone a pair of brown leather Peace Mules for $36. 99, which includes $4. 99 for shipping and handling. When they were delivered to my home, the package was wet and the leather shoes were ruined. I am returning the shoes. I realize the shipping and handling fee is non-refundable,(6)but I would like the original amount of $32 to be refunded. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely..." and she signs it here. So what do you think of that?
W: I think that’s a perfect letter of complaint.(7)She states what the problem is. She states what correction she would like the company to make. The tone is neutral: she doesn’t come across as angry or demanding.(8)And getting back to the classroom now, if we wanted to give our students experience learning how to write letters of complaint, we would show them several examples. We would then give them a situation in which there was something to complain about, and we would ask them to write a similar letter using one of the models that we’ve provided, like the one that you just read.(9)What is much harder, of course, is for people to get experience complaining verbally, in person. And so once we have demonstrated several scenarios in which complaining takes place, and we’ve analyzed the language and structures that go into complaining,(10)the final step—and perhaps the most important one—is to give students practice complaining in a sheltered environment: in other words, in the classroom. And I would do that by means of role playing.
M: Lida Baker teaches English and writes textbooks in Los Angeles, California. And that’s all for this week. Thank you for your valuable advice, Lida.
W: You are welcome.
This is the end of Part Two of the interview. Questions 6 to 10 are based on what you have just heard.
6. In the example of the complaint letter, how much does she what to be refunded?
7. What is considered unnecessary in a letter of complaint?
8. According to the interview, what would a teacher do if he wants to teach the students how to write letters of complaint?
9. Concerning complaint, which of the following types may be the most difficult to learn?
10. What is the most important part of teaching complaining?
A、Give them the cultural information about complaint.
B、Give them a model letter and ask them to write one similar to that.
C、Familiarize the students with necessary vocabularies.
D、Show the students the necessary writing styles and formats.
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