Passage Four [br] What does the author want to express by saying that the Britis

游客2023-12-02  10

问题 Passage Four [br] What does the author want to express by saying that the British are lapping up crime thrillers and spy novels?


答案 The British don’t trust people much in fantasy life.

解析 由题干关键词定位到第四段,该段指出:在我们幻想的生活中,我们喜好偏执妄想,偏爱犯罪惊悚片和间谍小说。从乔叟笔下的忏悔者到热播喜剧中的人物德尔小子,这些流氓恶棍形象令我们神魂颠倒。我们不善于做风险评估,一次次的调查表明,我们对犯罪行为的恐惧远远超出了正常合理的范围。由此可知,英国人习惯了不相信他人,所以他们对于勾心斗角的犯罪片和间谍小说比较热衷。另外,第五段的第一句也承接第四段明确提到了这点,“我们习惯了大声宣称自己不太信任他人”,所以答案是‘The British don’t trust people much in fantasy life。