答,答,答! 我从梦中跳醒来。 ——有谁在叩我的门?我迷惘地这么想。我侧耳静听,声音没有了。头上的电灯洒一些淡黄的光在我的惺忪的脸上。纸

游客2023-12-01  17

问题     答,答,答!


答案 I turned over, and was about to drift back hazily into my dream when suddenly the sound awoke me again.
This time, besides that slight tap-tapping, I could also hear a great howling sound.
Was it the angry roar of the North Wind? Or the awakening of Man? I couldn’t be sure.
But my blood surged with excitement, as if I had already flown out of the room, straddled the neck of the North Wind and galloped off into space.
Yet that roaring sound became indistinct again, became fainter, and disappeared; all that remained from this metamorphosis was a lonely void.
"That roaring sound could be heard only when I had a void in me to fill," I laughed, realizing that I’d been fooled.

解析     本文节选自茅盾先生的散文《叩门》。作品笔触细腻,句式长短参差、疏密有致,节奏明快,还运用了拟声、比喻等修辞技巧。而且文章饱含激情与道理,达到了诗情与哲理的完美结合。因此翻译时既要尽量保持原文语言风格,又要尽可能地表达出作者的意图,表现出作者在文字中所体现出来的情绪变化。