For the longest time, I couldn’t get worked up about privacy: my right to i

游客2023-11-30  11

问题     For the longest time, I couldn’t get worked up about privacy:
my right to it; how it’s dying; how we’re headed for an even more
wired, under-regulated, over-intrusive, privacy-deprived age.
    I should also point out that as news director and a guy who【S1】______
makes his life on the Web, I know better than most people that we’re【S2】______
hurtling toward an even more intrusive world. We’re all being
watched by computers when we visit Websites; by the mere act of【S3】______
"browsing" , we’re going to public in a way that was unimaginable a【S4】______
decade ago. I know this because I’m a watcher, either. When【S5】______
people come to my Website, without ever knowing their names, I
can peer over their shoulders, recording what they look at, timing
how long they stay on a particular page, followed them around the【S6】______
sprawling Webpages.
    None of this would bother me in least, I suspect, if a few【S7】______
years ago, my phone, like Marley’s ghost, hadn’t given me a
glimpse of the nightmares to come. In Thanksgiving weekend in【S8】______
1995, someone forwarded my home telephone number to an out-of-
state answering machine, which unsuspecting callers trying to reach【S9】______
me heard a male voice identify himself as me and say some extreme【S10】______
rude things. Then, with typical hacker aplomb, the prankster
asked people to leave their messages. This went on for several days
until my wife and I figured out that something was wrong and got our
phone service restored. [br] 【S9】


答案 which一where

解析 定语从句的关系词误用。machine是定语从句的先行词,从句不是说这个机器怎样,而是说在这个应答机上发生了什么事情,因此应该使用关系副词where。本句意思是“在1995年的感恩节的周末,有一个人把我住宅的电话号码传到外省的一个电话应答机上;没有疑心的朋友打电话给我的时候总是能听到一个自称是我的男性声音,而且说一些极其粗俗的话。”