PASSAGE TWO [br] What do the examples of American Century Investments and Bain &

游客2023-11-30  29

问题 PASSAGE TWO [br] What do the examples of American Century Investments and Bain & Company in Para. 5 show?


答案 Some schemes go well beyond the first steps.

解析 根据题目直接定位到第5段。该段承接第4段末提到的“在大多数认识到工作与生活平衡项目价值的公司,工作与生活平衡仅限于指提供孩子护理、医疗保健和弹性工作等福利”,进一步介绍一些做得更好的项目(如第5段主题句some schemes go well beyond these first steps所述),American Century Investments和Bain&Company的项目即为此类项目的例证。列举例证通常是为了服务主题句的,故本题答案为Someschemes go well beyond the first steps。