At the time when the United States split off from Britain,there were propos

游客2023-11-30  9

问题     At the time when the United States split off from Britain,
there were proposals independence should be linguistically【S1】______
acknowledged by the use of a different language from that of
Britain. There was even one proposal that Americans should adopt
Hebrew. In the end, like everyone knows, the two countries【S2】______
adopted the eminently practical and satisfactory solution of
carrying on with the same language as before. For nearly two
hundred years now, they have shown to the world that【S3】______
independence and national identity can be complete with【S4】______
sacrificing the enormous mutual advantages of a common
    Like religion, language is clearly a powerful unifying and
dividing force. As we have seen, moreover, there is nothing about【S5】______
language as such that makes linguistic identity conterminous with
national identity. "If he speaks French, he is by no means
necessary a Frenchman." French is not the private property of【S6】______
Frenchmen, and still less is English the private property of
Englishmen. Yet many of us still half-consciously feel that anyone【S7】______
other than an Englishman uses English, we have a special right to
criticise his use because he has been privileged to deal something【S8】______
which is in the Englishman’s gift. We feel that he must necessarily
look to us for a "standard", because it is "his" language.【S9】______
    It is high time that such naive notions about English are【S10】______
firmly stopped. They do not even remotely correspond to linguistic
realities and they can do nothing but harm to the cause of human
relationships and international harmony. [br] 【S5】


答案 moreover一however

解析 上一句说,语言具有强大的统一和分裂的力量,下文话锋一转,说语言中并没有连接“语言认同”和“国家认同”的东西,在话语上存在转折,故应将表递进moreover改为表转折的however。