Plagiarism, meaning the undocumented use of another person’s work, is the mo
Plagiarism, meaning the undocumented use of another person’s work, is the mo
Plagiarism, meaning the undocumented use of another person’s work, is the most serious offense in academia. Universities pursue plagiarising students, but in fact it is also a big problem among college faculties. The following news report gives a general view of the phenomenon.
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When Plagiarism Is Academic
This week at Durham University, professors are investigating whether a former dean of the business school is guilty of plagiarism.
Professor Tony Antoniou resigned this month over allegations he copied the work of his peers for his DPhil thesis and a later journal article. He remains a professor of finance at the university.
Meanwhile, at Wolverhampton University, lawyers are preparing for the tribunal of a senior lecturer who is appealing against being dismissed for plagiarism.
"The cases we hear about are probably just the tip of the iceberg," say Jude Carroll, a plagiarism expert at Oxford Brookes University, and Mike Reddy, a member of the Plagiarism Advisory Service for universities, students and academics.
"Probably" is the word. No one actually knows the true scale of plagiarism among academics in the UK, or elsewhere. Scores of researchers have been funded to look into the numbers of students who may or may not have cheated on their coursework. But when it comes to their tutors, the plagiarism experts will tell you not one research project comes to mind.
"There’s no proper research on this," says Reddy. "And it’s time there was."
Plagiarism—the taking and using as one’s own of the thoughts, writings or inventions of another— comes in many guises in the academic world.
It might involve the straightforward stealing of a colleague’s work or words. It could be self-plagiarism, where similar pieces of work are sent to various journals. It might involve using teaching materials without acknowledgement, stealing the work of postgraduate students, or insisting on co-authorship of a postgraduate’s paper without actually doing any of the work.
Opinion is divided over whether it is easier or harder to do than in the past. "Of course it is easier," says Carroll. "The resources available are phenomenal." Staff at highly esteemed institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have temptingly started to put all their lecture notes and teaching materials online, free for all to use.
"But it’s a moral judgment as to whether you acknowledge the author of those resources or notes or not," says Reddy. "And that choice has always been there."
"It’s become easier to track violations and there is much evidence that many people are willing to invest the time to do that," says Don McCabe, from the Centre for Academic Integrity at Duke University in North Carolina. Fiona Duggan, of the Plagiarism Advisory Service, says there is now "heightened awareness of the issue" and "more efficient detection".
What is not up for dispute is why academics, now more than ever, might cave in and commit the crime.
The "publish or perish" environment of today’s academia means young—and not so young— academics can only scale the career ladder and build a reputation if they produce a certain number of papers in highly-regarded publications each year. "If you are expected to turn out six to eight papers a year, you can’t exactly start from scratch each time," says Carroll.
Academic Plagiarism Should Be Effectively Controled
Academic plagiarism has been widely reported and the true scale of it is alarming or even beyond our imagination. Jude Carroll, a plagiarism expert, says that the cases we hear about are probably just the tip of the iceberg. Academic plagiarism, or intellectual stealing, may appear in various forms, from more conspicuous stealing of others’ work without acknowledgement to less obvious self-plagiarism where the same work is sent to different journals. While presenting academic notes and lecture materials online provides evidence for tracking violations, it is no simple task to detect and eradicate plagiaristic copying which to a large extent results from today’s "publish or perish" environment I personally believe that academic plagiarism should be effectively contained.
It is self-evident that no reputation is immune to stealing, in particular when it comes to academic stealing. It is not rare to hear that a professor or a high-level corporate leader, once found to have plagiarized, is immediately fired. The direct impact of plagiarism is on the individual involved, since this person has so lost his or her credibility that his or her career may be ruined. The hidden impact is on the society because the previously prestigious person has gained notoriety and thus has difficulty finding a respectable job, let alone contributing to society.
Another reason why I am strongly opposed to academic plagiarism is that it is bound to hinder social advancement. It is well acknowledged that social progress is spurred by academic innovation, while plagiarism, at its best physical work, stifles innovation and creativity of the academia, thereby pulling back the chariot of social development. And some intellectuals’ enthusiasm for research would be extinguished since academic offending is hard to detect and plagiarists therefore do not receive their due penalty.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that plagiarism in any form poses a threat to both individual and society as a whole. Given its negative consequences, more resources should be devoted to effectively cracking down on academic plagiarism before it runs wild.
第七、八段谈到学术剽窃的表现,指出它在学术界有许多隐蔽的形式(in many guises in the academic world),其中涉及盗用同事的作品(stealing of a colleague’s work),自我剽窃(self-plagiarism),不经同意使用他人的教学资源(teaching materials),窃取研究生的论文(the work of postgraduate students)以及单纯挂名的论文合著(co-authorship)。
最后五段则探讨了与过去相比,现在追踪学术剽窃更加容易的两个原因。一是人们对学术剽窃的警觉更高(heightened awareness of the issue),二是把学术笔记和讲义等放到网上使追踪学术剽窃更为有效(more efficient detection)。然而,由于“不出版即完蛋”(“publish or perish”)的学术环境,导致根除学术剽窃并不容易。
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