The educational system around the world has been using standardized tests to
The educational system around the world has been using standardized tests to
The educational system around the world has been using standardized tests to evaluate the performance of students. However, there has been an ongoing debate among scholars, parents, and teachers on the effectiveness of these tests. What are your views on standardized tests? Read the following excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
1. summarize briefly the different opinions;
2. give your comment.
Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
The multiple-choice format that is used on standardized tests is an inadequate assessment tool. It encourages a simplistic way of thinking in which there are only right and wrong answers, which doesn’t apply in real-world situations. The format is also biased toward male students, who, studies have shown, adapt more easily to the game-like point scoring of multiple-choice questions.
Teacher-graded assessments are inadequate alternatives to standardized tests because they are subjectively scored and unreliable. Most teachers are not trained in testing and measurement, and research has shown many teachers consider non-cognitive outcomes, including student class participation, perceived effort, and progress over the period of the course, which are irrelevant to subject-matter mastery.
The multiple-choice format used on standardized tests produces accurate information necessary to assess and improve American schools. According to the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, multiple-choice questions can provide highly reliable test scores and an objective measurement of student achievement. Today’s multiple-choice tests are more sophisticated than their predecessors. The Center for Public Education, a national public school advocacy group, says many multiple-choice tests now require considerable thought, even notes and calculations, before choosing a bubble.
While our understanding of the brain and how people learn and think has progressed enormously, standardized tests have remained the same. Test makers still assume that knowledge can be broken into separate bits and that people learn by absorbing these individual parts. Today, cognitive and developmental psychologists understand that knowledge is not separable bits and that people (including children) learn by connecting what they already know with what they are trying to learn. If they cannot actively make meaning out of what they are doing, they do not learn or remember.
Standardized tests measure only a small portion of what makes education meaningful. According to late education researcher Gerald W. Bracey, qualities that standardized tests cannot measure include creativity, critical thinking, resilience, motivation, persistence, curiosity, endurance, reliability, enthusiasm, empathy, self-awareness, self-discipline, leadership, civic-mindedness, courage, compassion, resourcefulness, sense of beauty, sense of wonder, honesty, integrity.
China has a long tradition of standardized testing and leads the world in educational achievement. China displaced Finland as number one in reading, math, and science when Shanghai debuted on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) rankings in 2009. Despite calls for a reduction in standardized testing, China’s testing regimen remains firm in place. Chester E. Finn, Jr., Chairman of the Hoover Institution’s Koret Task Force on K-12 Education, predicts that Chinese cities will top the PISA charts for the next several decades.
Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
My Views on Standardized Tests
The unceasing debate on the pros and cons of standardized tests is multi-fold manifested. Many countries including China are now mostly depending on standardized tests to assess students because multiple-choice questions are accurate, reliable and objective. However, some critics think such tests cannot keep up with the social advancement because they cannot fully reflect candidates’ performance. What’s more, the multiple-choice questions examine students’ mastery of fragmentary knowledge. This way of learning is in conflict with cognitive and developmental theory.
It goes without saying that standardized tests were, are and will be playing important roles in assessment. Such tests have achieved significant, sustained and widespread gains on different national and international assessments. Take China’s College Entrance Examination as an example. Every year, nearly 10 million high school students sit for such tests. Standardized tests not only save time and cost, but can well differentiate students, and more importantly, give every one of the candidates a fair shot. Some people criticize that such tests are ordeals to both teachers and learners because they restrict educators, stifle innovation in the classroom and take the joy out of teaching. However, the study has shown that this is a false assumption for most teachers are not simply telling students how to make the answers correct but they spend more time analyzing the reasons, and consequently, the fundamental knowledge will become a part of students’ inner mind. In other words, the standardized test is a tool instead of a focus.
However, to assess students is not a simple multiple-choice game. The purpose of education, which is a system, is to foster all-round talents with critical thinking, innovative mind and problem-solving abilities. Therefore, standardized tests are far from catering to such purposes. If we want to create an educational system which is able to adapt flexibly to the rapid changes ahead, we ought to rethink the way we use standardized tests or the way to improve such tests rather than simply opting out of them.
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