PASSAGE TWO [br] What does the author mean by saying " this year’s Fed symposium

游客2023-11-28  17

问题 PASSAGE TWO [br] What does the author mean by saying " this year’s Fed symposium in Jackson Hole was triply disappointing" ?


答案 Fed didn’t put forward any scheme of feasible monetary reform.

解析 根据题干定位至第一段。作者在开篇就说今年美联储的会议令人失望,随后对此做了解释,说明了会议提出的一些应对经济形势的措施,第二段第一句明确指出,有关货币改革缺乏紧迫性意识,可见,作者说会议令人失望主要是指他们没有提出有效的货币改革措施,故答案为“Fed didn’t put forward any scheme of feasible monetary reform.”。