
游客2023-11-26  13

问题     文人是可嘉奖的,因为他虚心,知道上进,并不拿身份,并不安本分。真的,文人对于自己,有时比旁人对于他还看得轻贱;他只恨自己是个文人,并且不惜费话、费力、费时、费纸来证明他不愿意做文人,不满意做文人。在这个年头儿,这还算不得识时务的俊杰么?所谓文人也者,照理应该指一切投稿、著书、写文章的人说。但是,在事实上,文人一个名词的应用只限于诗歌、散文、小说、戏曲之类的作者。


答案 Men of letters deserve recognition because of their humility, their unpretentiousness, their dissatisfaction with what they have ended up doing, and their desire for upward mobility. These poor souls love belittling themselves, often in excess of what others would say of them. They bemoan their fate, and would go out of way to devote long speech and copious ink to declaring their unwillingness and unhappiness to be men of letters. In this age, such traits should be sufficient proof that they are exceptionally talented individuals who truly understand the world. If used appropriately, the term, men of letters, should refer to all those who write articles or books. In practice, however, that title seems to be reserved only for poets, essayists, novelists, dramatists and the like.

解析 1.本文选自钱锺书的散文《论文人》,文笔诙谐幽默,译文应尽量保持原文的幽默风格。全文共有五个句子,短句较多,翻译时可根据逻辑关系整合句子。
2.这篇文章的核心词语是“文人”。英语里意思与“文人”相近的有scholar、academic、literary man、intellectual等。man of letters在《柯林斯英语词里》中解释为a writer、scholar、editor etc.esp.one whose workis in the field of literature,最能体现文中“文人”的概念。第一句中的“嘉奖”一词,文中并没有提到有奖励之意,不可生硬译为reward或praise,此处可理解为“认同”“认可”,用recognition一词较为恰当。“虚心”“不拿身份”可用humility和unpretentiousness表达,“知道上进”用名词短语desire for upward mobility表达,可放于句子末尾,以平衡句式。
3.第二句主要谈及文人自轻自贱的想法,“文人”一词可用these poor souls指代,避免用词重复。“文人对于自己,比旁人还看得轻贱”是指文人自己轻贱自己,比别人更胜,可以用in excess of…来表达。“他只恨自己是个文人”中“恨”一词表示文人对自身身份的抱怨、哀叹,并不是简单的hate,翻译时应注意词义的准确表达,此处可译为bemoan their fate“自叹命苦”。“不惜费话、费力、费时、费纸”可理解为花费口舌和笔墨来表达自己不愿做文人的情绪,可译成go out of way to devote long speech and copious ink,译文简洁明了。
5.第四句是作者对文人这一概念广义的解释,“文人”作为一个专有名词,可插入the term来进行解释说明。
6.最后一句话中,“事实上”指的是在实际运用当中,in practice比in fact表达更为准确。为避免重复冗余,“文人一个名词”可用the title来指代。