[originaltext] (S)=Mrs. Smith (I)=Interviewer (I): Good teachers can a
[originaltext] (S)=Mrs. Smith (I)=Interviewer (I): Good teachers can a
(S)=Mrs. Smith
(I): Good teachers can always find a way to encourage their students to work hard and learn well. That year, in the local school, there was a math teacher who became well known nationwide for her webpage stories. Today we have with us Irene Smith. She has worked with her students for more than ten years to research, write and illustrate those stories. Irene, tell me, how does a multimedia and math teacher end up leading a project that has students write stories about local history?
(S): My lab is the high school’s multimedia lab. When developing my program, the district decided that they would like to have one room—my room—house all new technologies. So ten years ago, I received several scanners that, at the time, cost about $1, 100, and I wanted to have a project that put them to good use. I asked my students to look for really old pictures that maybe their grandparents or their parents had in their possession. The first pictures that a student brought in were in a box of maybe 80 photographs that her grandmother had in her attic. Some of the photos were over a hundred years old! There were photographs of football players, sports activities, old buildings—just wonderful pictures. The kids loved seeing grandma in a bathing suit! So, that’s how the project started. We started scanning the photos and we built ourselves a database. The second year we did the same thing: we brought in more photos, and we continued to scan.
(I): So, how did the story writing component come about?
(S): I’m an advocate of reading, having four of my own children. When they were younger I read to them all the time, and today they are all strong readers. I thought, wouldn’t it be neat if one of the English teachers could have her students write stories that my students could associate with our old pictures. We could then build these stories into webpages and post them on the Internet. Our third graders have local history in their curriculum so I thought that we could gear the project to them.
(I): I would imagine that this project would be a great way for an English teacher to pursue various teaching goals and standards.
(S): In our school district, we have major assignments for each course called benchmarks. One of our English teacher’s benchmarks was a writing and research project. Thanks to Mrs. Happeny and her benchmark, we had about 100 students writing our stories that first year. Over the years, we have had so much success with this project that 1 think that we are going to do it again this school year.
This is the end of Part One of the interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard.
Question One How did the teacher become famous?
Question Two What was Irene’s project mainly about?
Question Three What did they do in the first year when the project started?
Question Four Why did Irene combine her project with reading and writing?
Question Five What does benchmark mean in her school?
A、Because she believed strongly in the value of reading.
B、Because she was an English teacher and her own children had read a lot.
C、Because she needed some stories to put on her webpage.
D、Because the school required third grade students to write stories.
总结归纳题。Irene提到:I’m an advocate of reading(选项A),having four of my own children.When they were younger I read to them all the time,and today they are all strong readers(选项B)…We could then build these stories into webpages and post them on the Internet(选项C).Our third graders have local history in their curriculum so I thought that we could gear the project to them(选项D)。由此可见,选项B、C、D都不准确,选项A的strongly believe in与advocate同义,因此答案为A。
阻止髋关节过度后伸的韧带是( )A.髂股韧带 B.股骨头韧带 C.
激光共聚焦显微镜(LSCM)的特点不包括A.可对细胞内部的光学断层扫描成像 B
下列选项中,可采用超声波方法检测的项目是()A.混凝土强度 B.裂缝深度
阅读下面材料,回答问题。 某幼儿园大班学生小波,由于其家长是收废品的,一天来幼
病毒性肝炎的地区分布,下述不正确的是A.丁型肝炎在世界上分布极不平衡 B.丙肝