晚上十点钟,我在灯下看书,离家不远的军营里的喇叭吹起了熟悉的调子。几个简单的音阶,缓缓地上去又下来,在这鼎沸的大城市里难得有这样的简单的心。 我

游客2023-11-26  21

问题     晚上十点钟,我在灯下看书,离家不远的军营里的喇叭吹起了熟悉的调子。几个简单的音阶,缓缓地上去又下来,在这鼎沸的大城市里难得有这样的简单的心。


答案     Ten o’clock at night, and I am reading a book by lamplight when the bugle in the army barracks near my home starts to play a familiar melody. A few simple musical phrases, slowly rising and then descending, with a purity of heart altogether rare in this vast crucible of a city.
    I say, "They’re playing the bugle again, Auntie. Didn’t you hear it?" My aunt says, "I wasn’t paying attention." I am afraid of hearing that bugle every night, because I am the only one who ever listens to it.
    I say, "Oh, they are playing again." But for some unknown reason, this time the sound is very soft, as slight as a strand of silk, breaking off several times before once again picking up the thread. This time, I don’t even ask my aunt whether she has heard it. I begin to doubt whether there really is a bugle at all or if this is merely a memory of something I’ve heard. Above and beyond my sense of desolation, I feel frightened.

解析 背景介绍
-  晚上十点钟,我在……熟悉的调子:翻译散文时应根据前后文注意时态的正确使用,该句中的“我在灯下看书”在翻译时应当使用现在进行时,方能恰当地体现作家笔下人物的状态。此外,还应做到全文时态使用一致。Ten o’clock at night,and I am reading a book by lamplight when the bugle in the army barracks near my home starts to play a familiar melody.
-  在这鼎沸的大城市里难得有这样的简单的心:with a purity of heart altogether rare in this vast crucible of a city。此处“鼎沸的大城市”和“简单的心”可用两个相同的词组结构表示,前后对称,译文更符合英文表达习惯。
-  声音极低,绝细的一丝,几次断了又连上:此句中,作者用了比喻的修辞手法,把声音比作细丝,突出声音之微弱,译者在下笔前须把握句中的本体和喻体,并在译文中有所体现。该句可译为:But for some unknown reason,this time the sound is very soft,as slight as a strand of silk,breaking off several times before once again picking up the thread.
-  于凄凉之外还感到恐惧:翻译此句有一定的难度,根据上下文语境,此处作者笔下的“凄凉”是在大城市难遇知音的悲伤之感,故此处可用sense of desolation一词。Above and beyond my sense of desolation,I feel frightened.