The ability to communicate is the primary factor that distinguishes human be

游客2023-11-26  5

问题     The ability to communicate is the primary factor that distinguishes human beings
from animals. And it is the ability to communicate well which【M1】______
distinguishes one individual from another.
    The fact is that apart from the basic necessities, one needs to
be equipped with habits for good communication skills, thus this is【M2】______
what will make one a happy and successful social being.
    In order to develop these habits, one needs to first acknowledge
the fact that they need to improve communication skills from time to time.
They need to take stock of the way how they interact and the direction【M3】______
in which their work and personal relations are going. The only constant
in life is change, the more one accepts one’s strengths and works【M4】______
towards dealing with their shortcomings, specially in the area of【M5】______
communication skills, the better will be their interactions and
the more their social popularity.
    The dominated question that comes here is: How to improve【M6】______
communication skills ? The answer is simple . One can find
plenty of literature on this. There are also experts, who conduct
workshops and seminars based on communication skills of men
and women. In fact, a large number of companies are bringing in
trainers to regularly make sessions on the subject, in order to【M7】______
help their work force maintain better interpersonal work relations.
    Today, effective communication skills have become a predominant
factor even while recruiting employees. While interviewing candidates,
most interviewers judge them on the basis of the skills they communicate with
They believe that some skills can be improvised on the job: but ability to【M8】______
communicate well is important, as every employee becomes the
representing face of the company.
    There are trainers, who specialized in delivering custom - made【M9】______
programs on the subject. Through the sessions they not only facilitate
better communication skills in the workplace, but also look into
the problems in the manner of being able to convey messages【M10】______
effectively. [br] 【M6】


答案 dominated→dominating//dominant

解析 原文要表达的意思是“主要的问题”,要用dominating来修饰question,表示“主要的”,或改为dominant。而dominated指“受控制的,受统治的”,语义不合此处语境。