[originaltext]T: Do you remember that lecture we had last time on the Industria
[originaltext]T: Do you remember that lecture we had last time on the Industria
T: Do you remember that lecture we had last time on the Industrial Revolution?
H: You mean when Dr. Owen was talking about the explosion in technology?
T: Yes. And didn’t he mention something about fertilizers being invented?
H: That’s right, he did. If I remember correctly he said that chemical fertilizers were used so that more food could be grown without having to use more land, and this enabled the Industrial Revolution to take place. In fact I’ve got the reading list he gave us. If you like I can go to the library and try to find out more information.
T: Yes, and that can form the first part of the essay
H: So what do you suggest for the second part?
T: In the second part we can talk about the technology that is used in modern farming methods.
H: That’s too big a leap. That will have to form the final part. Of course I will write that. For the second part we need to talk about the inventions that were made during the 18th and 19th centuries.
T: What, like tractors, you mean?
H: No, mechanical vehicles weren’t invented until the early 20th century. But it’s important to mention that because it meant that when machines were invented, farm land that was used to grow hay, to feed the horses, could be used to grow food for people.
T: OK then. So I’ll try to find out as much as I can about technology in the 19th century. If you like I’ll also look at the developments in the 20th century.
H: Such as?
T: Gene technology, of course. In fact by manipulating plants’ genes, scientists have been able to invent crops that can grow not only more food but that can grow in places where they wouldn’t naturally grow.
H: What, in places where it’s too hot or too dry you mean?
T: Well, I guess so. But I was thinking more of plants that are resistant to disease.
H: Yeah, that’s a great idea.
T: So you can do some research into 20th century technology then?
H: Actually I was going to suggest we do that together given that it is such a big topic area.
T: Yeah, I guess you’re right. We can make that a joint effort, then. This is really great, we’re getting somewhere with this essay now.
H: I think we have enough to keep us going for now, so why don’t we go to the library and do what research we can, and we could meet again, say next Tuesday?
T: Tuesday’s out for me, I’m afraid, because I have a tutorial. Let’s make it the day before.
H: OK, no problem. What time?
T: Say two o’clock? That’ll give me time to write up my findings.
H: OK, see you then. Bye.
T: Bye.
6. What was the lecture topic made by Dr. Owen?
7. When were mechanical vehicles invented?
8. Which aspect will Terry focus on about the development in the 20th century?
9. Which part will Hannah NOT cover in her essay?
10. When will the two speakers meet again?
A、Next Tuesday.
B、Next Monday.
C、Next Wednesday.
D、Next Thursday.
推断题。录音中提到Hannah说: …so why don’t we go to the library and do what research we can,and we could meet again,say next Tuesday?Teny说:Tuesday’s out for me,I’m afraid,because I have a tutorial.Let’s make it the day before.周二不行,定在前一天,即周一,因此选项B正确。
A.麦冬 B.瓜蒌 C.海藻 D.半夏 E.桔梗治疗寒痰湿痰,应选用的药
有支气管哮喘及机械性肠梗阻的患者应禁用A、山莨菪碱 B、新斯的明 C、东莨菪
下列不符合处方书写规则的是A:处方用字的字迹应当清楚,不得涂改 B:医师、药师
(2018年真题)《中国药典》规定满山红含量测定的指标成分是( )A.七叶苷
涎腺多形性腺瘤A.鳞状化生 B.角化珠 C.胶样小体 D.角质栓塞 E.
小儿重症肺炎最常见的酸碱平衡紊乱是A.呼吸性酸中毒 B.代谢性酸中毒 C.呼
不属于预防医学的道德要求的是( )。A.爱岗敬业,宣传大卫生法规,言传身教