To be called beautiful is thought to name something essential to women’scha

游客2023-11-26  12

问题     To be called beautiful is thought to name something essential to women’s
character and concerns. (In contrast by men—whose essence is to be strong, 【M1】______
or effective, or competent.) It does not need someone in the throes of femi- 【M2】______
nist awareness to perceive that the way women are taught to be involved in 【M3】______
beauty encourages narcissism, reinforces independence and immaturity. 【M4】______
Everybody knows that. For it is ""everybody"", a whole society, which has 【M5】______
identified being feminine with caring about how one looks. Giving these 【M6】______
stereotypes, it is no wonder that beauty enjoys, at best, a rather mixed reputation.
    It is not, of course, the desire to be beautiful is wrong but the obligation 【M7】______
to be. Women are taught to see their bodies in parts, and to assess each part 【M8】______
separately. Breasts, feet, hips, waistline, neck, eyes, nose, complexion, hair,
and so on—each by turn is submitted to an anxious scrutiny. Even if some 【M9】______
pass the scrutiny, some will always be found wanted. Nothing less than per- 【M10】______
fection will do. [br] 【M5】


答案 which — that

解析 这句话如果仔细看是一个强调结构,句子的主干是It is…that…。我们都知道在强调句中一般都用代词that来引导,除非被强调的部分为人,如:It is Mary that/who calledme,not anyone else.但在下一句里却只能用that:It was through Mary that the letter finally arrived at me.因为被强调部分是状语。