It is commonly believed that one needs higher education in order to succeed,
It is commonly believed that one needs higher education in order to succeed,
It is commonly believed that one needs higher education in order to succeed, but is college education really necessary? Is a university degree a prerequisite to success? Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
1. summarize briefly the different opinions;
2. give your comment.
Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Linda (China)
I am in college but find the information I am being taught pretty much useless in the real world. Attending college is necessary to get a job in today’s world but the actual information learned is a waste of time, and it is getting tough to land a good job even with a bachelor’s degree.
Kaplooie (Canada)
Does a college degree guarantee someone is necessarily better? Absolutely not. But put yourself in the place of the hiring manager. If you have the choice of two people you don’t really know, are you going to hire the one with the college degree or the one without? If you can afford it, get the college degree. Even if you never use it, it will forever prevent someone from questioning your educational background.
Vivienne (France)
I think college education is essential in life but it is not a must. Four years’ study in college is a precious experience since we spend our best and most productive years in college. I have noticed that a college degree may offer opportunities. However, wages you will get in the future depend on many other factors such as your personality, competence and in some cases, good luck.
Kerrie(the US)
Attending college is a worthwhile endeavor. In the modern American job market it has become nearly impossible to pursue a lifelong career that pays well and offers stability and the possibility of promotion without a college degree. This means even those who struggle with student loans, but complete degrees, are still better off in the long run than their peers who did not attend college.
Anderson (Germany)
I think college education is worthy. At university, people should be taught how to think, how to analyze, how to solve problems, increase interaction between lecturers and students, more than just listen. Students can learn to follow their dreams by investing time, effort and money on their goals at university.
College is for some people; it’s not for all. We’ve been brainwashed that the only way to be successful is to go to college, and that degrees translate into success. If you want to be a doctor, lawyer, or other fields that require degrees, go for it. My first 2. 5 years of work experience helped me 1,000 times more than my 5 years of college getting my bachelor’s and master’s degree. But if you really are a self-motivated, self-directed worker, college can be a hindrance rather than a help.
Weld (the UK)
There are many paths. We should not push every kid into college. Some should go to college, others to high tech vocational training, and others, maybe straight into business.
Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
Is a University Degree a Prerequisite to Success?
Is a university degree a prerequisite to success? Advocates say university degrees count. For one thing, it aims at improving people’s mental and interactive abilities. For another, in a market-oriented society, college education is the very basic stepping stone for a good job. Opponents think universities are a waste of time and money since they don’t teach practical skills to students which are badly needed in job markets. Still others think it all depends; for a person with strong will, university education is a hindrance.
A famous British philosopher Whitehead once made a sharp comment on the function of universities by saying: "The justification for a university is that it preserves the connection between knowledge and the zest of life by uniting the young and the old in the imaginative learning". Sad though it is, today’s universities may well manage to impart information, yet it fails basically to impart knowledge in an imaginative way. No doubt people nowadays begin to question the very existence of universities.
To cater to the market, many universities introduce courses related to career planning and development which occupy a large percentage of their curriculum only to condescend themselves to vocational schools. In my opinion, the way in which a university should function in the preparation for an intellectual career, such as modern business, is by promoting the imaginative consideration of the various general principles underlying that career. This means we should not squander a 4-year-long education in teaching students basic skills but rather instill into them the way of imaginative acquisition of knowledge.
Therefore, instead of pandering to the vulgar outcry and short-sighted qualm over the graduates who seem poorly equipped with skills for jobs, universities should, at a higher level, stick to training intellectual pioneers for our civilization.
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