PASSAGE TWO [br] Why did Titze not recommend losing weight through a high-salt d

游客2023-11-25  15

问题 PASSAGE TWO [br] Why did Titze not recommend losing weight through a high-salt diet since he thought it could lead to more energy expenditure?


答案 Because people might eat more to replenish the consumed energy.

解析 根据题干提示定位至第十四段。该段第一句指出蒂策说他不会建议通过摄人很多盐来减肥。紧接着作者在第二句解释了原因:如果他的结论正确,那么从长期看,摄入更多的盐会让你感觉更加饥饿,所以你得确保自己不会吃更多的食物去弥补额外消耗的卡路里。可见,蒂策不建议多摄人盐分来减肥的原因就是人们可能吃更多的食物去补充消耗的能量,故答案为“Because people might eat more to replenish the consumed energy.”。