
游客2023-11-25  29

问题     寂寞需要时间,也需要心情。面对生活节奏越来越快的现代人,寂寞似乎少有藏身之地。但是,寂寞却是深刻认识自我、凸现个性的必不可少的前提。不过,寂寞如酒,在长时间的封存和孤独中,不但没有消失它原有的火一般的烈性,反而增添了几分浓郁的芳香。它是人们心灵中的一粒生命旺盛的种子,在被世俗和骚动所忽视下,艰难而又坚强地、痛苦而又愉悦地孕育着生命的辉煌。


答案 It takes much time and right mood to be solitary.
Confronted with the increasingly-rapid pace of life, people today seems to have less and less privacy.
But to be private is the indispensable prerequisite for deepening the understanding of oneself and bringing out one’s personality.
Like wine having been stored away in a cellar for a long time, solitariness will not lose her fiery character; on the contrary, she will acquire more pervasiveness of aroma.
She is an exuberant seed buried deep in one’s soul. Although disregarded by the noisy and turbulent world, the seed will develop and embark on a life of glory, arduous but determined, painful but happy.

解析     本文节选自《扬子晚报》,原文题为《寂寞》。本文为议论文,篇幅虽短,只有5句话,但读来津津有味,富有哲理性。选段的最后两句均为长句,且用了两个很美的比喻,对长句的断译是本篇的要点,翻译时需吃透全文,把握整体文意之后再进行断句分译。