Along with the widespread use of the Internet comes the cyber language,
Along with the widespread use of the Internet comes the cyber language,
Along with the widespread use of the Internet comes the cyber language, which arouses a bitter controversy. Experts denounce that cyber language is diluting the quality of language. Internet users, however, think that language is evolving all the time and rigid standards should not be enforced in the daily use of language. What is your view on this? The following are excerpts about this issue. Read it carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
1. summarize briefly both articles;
2. give your comment.
Excerpt 1
Is Internet English Debasing the Language?
Online writing, you see, is destroying the purity of English as we know it and threatening to dumb us all down into a herd of screen-jabbing illiterates. Some people are worried about the abuse and impoverishment of English online (notably, in blogs and emails) and the overall crassness of English prose in the age of global communications.
But is it really true that English is being abused and impoverished in "blogs and emails"? I suppose it depends what kind of blogs one reads—the New Yorker’s Page Turner blog or Crooked Timber seem pretty well-written—and what kind of email correspondents one is blessed with. As for the "overall crassness" of internet prose, there is an increasing amount of very fine essay-writing going on for online-only publications such as Aeon magazine and Matter.
Of course there’s a lot of bad writing on the web, but there’s a lot of very good writing too. There’s just more writing at all levels of quality. Arguably, thanks to internetworked electronic communications, people are writing more than ever before in history. This does not by itself seem adequate cause for dejection among the literati.
Moreover, against the claim that the internet is impoverishing our language must be set the truth that it is expanding it with new and entertaining means of expression. Take, for instance, the "facepalm". This splendidly economical way of indicating ironic despair—sometimes accompanied by an image of Captain Jean-Luc Picard covering his face with his hand—is just one of the useful lexical innovations the internet offers to those who actually read it.
Excerpt 2
Cyber Words Make Language Lively
Cyber language is popular among Chinese netizens, who create Chinglish words to reflect phenomenon in society. One example is "antizen", which refers to college graduates who earn a meager salary and live in small rented apartments, like tiny and laborious ants.
David Tool, a professor in the Beijing International Studies University, said it’s very interesting to combine Chinese with English to create new words.
Sergey Dmitriev, a senior student from Russia studying at Liaoning University, believed the words are a way to learn more about Chinese society. "In Russia, similar words were created, as well," he said, adding that creation of new words showed greater influence and more of an opening of China to the world.
Netizens also created Chinese words and expressions. Take Suan Ni Hen for example. This three-character expression originally meant "you win". However, as the first character carried the same pronunciation as garlic in Chinese, netizens used it to satirize the soaring garlic and food prices this winter.
Some of these words and expressions were even used in serious media reports. On November, People’s Daily carried a front-page news story with the headline "Jiangsu geilivable cultural province". Wu Zhongmin, a professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, saw the phenomenon of word creation as a natural response of young people to social issues. "Cyber language is more vivid and it shortens the distances between people," he said.
Don’t Say "No" to Cyber Language
When it comes to cyber language, people tend to have varied views. While it is true that some people may worry about its negative impact, the excerpts are positive about cyber language. According to the first excerpt, cyber language is doing no harm in that it leads to no more bad writing on the web than good writing—there’s just more writing at all levels of quality. What’s more, cyber language can help to bring about more new and entertaining means of expression. The second excerpt mainly stresses the fact that cyber words make language lively. In my opinion, cyber language should be kept as it is not destroying the integrity of language, but spicing up the way people communicate with each other.
For one thing, cyber language entails vivid expressions which are more approachable. Contrary to the frozen textbook language which is not attractive or vivid, cyber language is catchy, trendy and above all lively and open doors for strangers and helps its users to establish a bond. Moreover, cyber language has its uniquely amusing way to release the pent-up emotion in the society. In this regard, it is fair to say that cyber language is a worthy vehicle, through which public emotion could be shared and felt instantaneously and vividly.
For another thing, it is understandable that experts worry cyber language might threaten the standard language. But language itself is just a tool for communication and no expert is authoritative enough to serve as a language judge. If one expression is accepted by the majority of people for a long time, the phrase will settle down as one item in the nation’s linguistic system. If not, it will come and go. There is no need to worry too much about it.
In short, we should be more tolerant with cyber language, because it offers a colorful alternative to the standard language. Accepting the diversities and dynamics of language is more important than denying the fresh expressions.
第一个选段主要阐述了网络语言的两大方面影响包括:第一,网络语言无甚害处一它的出现并未导致糟糕的写作增多或精良的写作减少(there’s a lot of bad writing on the web,but there’s a lot of very good writing too),只是不同质量水平的写作增多了而已(There’s just more writing at all levels of quality)。第二,网络语言可以带来更多新奇有趣的表达(expanding it with new and entertaining means of expression)。
第二个选段则主要强调网络语言使语言生动这一事实,其中举了antizen“蚁民”、Suan Ni Hen“蒜你狠”、geilivable“给力”等为人们熟知的网络语言为例。
初中美术《藏书票》 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教学过程】
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