[originaltext]Interviewer: Let me turn it on to the man who may end up the winn
[originaltext]Interviewer: Let me turn it on to the man who may end up the winn
Interviewer: Let me turn it on to the man who may end up the winner, Mr. Ashraf Ghani. What pressure, if any, are you trying to bring on him to ensure that whatever happens he tries to include Abdualah Abudulaah or Abudullah Abudula’s people in any future government?
Interviewee: We are not making any assumptions about who might be the winner or who might be the loser and we think it’s pretty immature for anybody to be doing so. We’ve made clear both candidates that two things need to happen. First of all, there needs to be a robustness in transparent process for determining the winner. And there still a good deal of work to be done there. And secondly, we believe that both candidates need to begin discussing the formation of a government that would have the support of all important components and elements within the country. A government of national unity that will ensure that all of these significant sectors of Afghan society feeling included.
Interviewer: You are saying it’s all a bit hasty to say whether one side or the other has won or lost. It is difficult, is it not, to see this result being overturned. This is a flat margin victory at the moment. 56% to 44%. It would be extraordinary to see the result overturned in a space of a couple of weeks.
Interviewee: I think both the candidates have agreed that there was an extensive fraud in the electoral process. Both candidates have agreed that the suspect ballots need to be audited. They haven’t agreed on exactly how to go about that. We believe it’s the responsibility of the electoral institutions to go ahead and conduct that kind of broad audit. Whether or not that the candidates have agreed on every precise element of the process they will have to do it. And we believe until they’ve done so it’s premature to be coming to any judgments.
Interviewer: It is worrying though, isn’t it? I suppose it was all too predictable that the democracy is an imperfect thing in Afghanistan and that undoubtedly there has been fraud. We’ve heard all sorts of reports that project there has been a measure of fraud. And whoever was going to lose in this election was going to say it’s been by unfair means.
Interviewee: I agree with you that Afghanistan has a relatively new democracy. The country at this stage of democratic development often have difficulties of this sort. That there is not a tradition of good losers and societies at this level of political development. And in that sense, the problem we face is not unparalleled. There are other countries who have gone through similar difficulties. Nevertheless, the fact is that millions of Afghans went out and voted in the expectation that their vote would count. The numerous polls indicate that most Afghans are prepared to support either candidate as the victor, that most Afghans have said that they could accept the person that they didn’t vote for winning the election if that was the result. So while the problems we face are not unparalleled, the Afghan voters expect something better.
Interviewer: James, I’m so grateful to you. I hugely appreciate you answering it and answering all the other questions as well.
Interviewee: Pleasure.
Question 6: What does the interviewee think both candidates need to do?
Question 7: What was the margin victory at the time of the interview?
Question 8: Who should be responsible for dealing with fraud in the election?
Question 9: What does the interviewee think of the problem in the Afghan election?
Question 10: What is the interview mainly about?
A、Ensure the government includes all parties.
B、Discuss who is going to be the winner.
C、Supervise the counting of votes.
D、Seek support from important sectors.
细节题。受访者提到选举的两方应该做的事情: ..we believe that both candidates need to begin discussing the formation of a government that would have the support of all important components and elements within the country.即双方应该开始讨论政府的构成,寻求国内各方面重要力量的支持。A government of national unity that will ensure that all of these significant sectors of Afghan society feeling included.一个统一的政府应该保证阿富汗社会所有重要力量都被考虑到。故选D。
以中果皮部分的维管组织入药的是A.橘络 B.大腹皮 C.绿豆衣 D.肉豆蔻
关于投资决策,说法正确的是( )。A.投资决策取决于决策者的风险偏好B.风险热爱
交通导行区域划分中不包括()。A.警告区 B.上游过渡区 C.中游过渡区
根据质量事故产生的原因,属于技术原因引发的质量事故的是( )。A.检验制度不严
下列关于地役权的表述中,正确的是()。A.地役权可以单独转让 B.地役权自合同