[originaltext]S: Diploma courses are usually more narrowly specialized and more
[originaltext]S: Diploma courses are usually more narrowly specialized and more
S: Diploma courses are usually more narrowly specialized and more professionally oriented. Thus they are most often given to people who are training to be teachers or social workers and who already have a Bachelor-level degree.
I: Then what do students study after acquiring their "first degree"?
S: After that, there are those degrees which a university gives for the successful completion of a piece of research. The MA (or Master of Arts), the MSc (or Master of Science) and the MBA (or Master of Business Administration) are the ones most frequently awarded here at postgraduate level. At one time these degrees were awarded only for the completion of research work; but over the past twenty years or so a large number of additional Master degrees have been introduced which combine a quite small piece of research with a substantial amount of course work on which the student is examined.
I: Then there is Doctor degree, right?
S: Yes. It is called Ph. D. (or Doctor of Philosophy), which is the most prestigious research degree. It is awarded for a piece of research which shows great depth and considerable originality. It is expected to make a significant contribution to our knowledge of and understanding of a problem. It usually involves at least four years’ full-time research.
I: I’ve also heard of honorary degrees? Are they Master degree or Doctor degree?
S: Well, that is a totally different matter. These are, for example, the Dlitt or Doctor of Letters (Doctor Litterarum — if you want it in the original Latin), the DSc or Doctor of Science, and the LLD or Doctor of Laws. These awards may be — in fact often are — awarded to people who have never been to university at all. They are very often in fact given to people who have distinguished themselves in some field of non-academic activity outside. Thus the university may wish to honour a famous writer by giving him or her a Dlitt or a famous politician by giving him or her a LLD.
I: Professor Stevenson, you have provided us with a detailed introduction to university education in Britain. Thank you for your time.
S: My pleasure.
6. Which is NOT the target group of diploma courses?
7. What do students study after acquiring their "first degree"?
8. Which statement about Ph. D. is FLASE according to the interview?
9. Which degree will NOT be awarded to students at British universities?
10. Which one is NOT honorary degree?
A、It usually involves at least four years full-time research.
B、It is the most prestigious research degree.
C、It is expected to make a significant contribution to our knowledge of and understanding of a problem.
D、It is only awarded to International students in Britain universities.
信息题。常识判断。Doctor degree通常叫作Ph.D.or Doctor of Philosophy,“…is the most prestigious research degree.It is awarded for a piece of research which shows great depth and considerable originality. It is expected to make a significant contribution to our knowledge of and understanding of a problem.It usually involves at least four years full-time research.”排除法得知选项D是错误的。
按因果关系排列以下各项顺序( ) ①黎段矛盾激化②孙中山发表《讨逆宣言》 ③
正畸矫正深覆的方法不包括A.后牙高嵌体 B.多用途弓压低下前牙 C.平面导板
有关协调性子宫收缩过强不正确的处理措施是A.有急产史的产妇,提前入院待产 B.
噻嗪类利尿药无下列哪项作用A.降压 B.抑制碳酸酐酶 C.升高血糖 D.升
下列选项中可作为质量控制点的部位或环节的是()。A.施工过程中的薄弱环节 B.