Passage Two [br] What kind of person does "a Negative Nancy" refer to in Par

游客2023-11-24  10

问题     Passage Two [br] What kind of person does "a Negative Nancy" refer to in Para. 4?


答案 The one who throws a wet blanket./The one who makes others disappointed.

解析 根据题干定位至第四段。第四段结尾部分提到,当人们聚在一起,共同制订计划的时候,做出错误计划的可能性会增高,因为大家都很投入,大家都不希望做a negative Nancy,根据negative的字面意思,可以猜测,谁都不愿意提出反对意见来扫大家的兴致,故答案为“The one who throws a wet blanket./The one who makes others disappointed.”。