Passage One [br] What does the author mean by saying "/ was over head and ea

游客2023-11-24  8

问题     Passage One [br] What does the author mean by saying "/ was over head and ears" in Para. 6?


答案 I fell deeply in love.

解析 根据题干定位至第六段第二句。该句使用了一个条件句表示假设:“…if looks have language,the merest idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears…”,结合前半句提到的“我从未把自己的爱意说出口”,推测该句是指如果目光能传情的话,大傻瓜都可能已经猜出“我”深陷爱河,故答案为“I fell deeply in love.”。