Passage Three [br] What are you supposed to do if your partner appears unwil

游客2023-11-24  9

问题     Passage Three [br] What are you supposed to do if your partner appears unwilling to give up deep-rooted phone habits?


答案 To check your phone habits instead of criticizing your partner.

解析 根据题干提示定位至第二十一段。该段第一句“Should your partner seem reluctant to let go of ingrained phone habits,consider turning to an objective source.”是一个虚拟条件句,由于if被省略,从句谓语中的should被移至从句句首,从而构成部分倒装。作者建议,如果你的伴侣似乎不愿意放弃根深蒂固的手机习惯,可以考虑转向客观根源。紧接着在第二句对该建议做了进一步解释:与其指责对方,不如建议双方都仔细审视自己的手机习惯,故答案为“To check your phone habits instead of criticizing your partner.”。