Passage Three [br] What are the factors that may lead to a physical heart at

游客2023-11-24  10

问题     Passage Three [br] What are the factors that may lead to a physical heart attack? (Please list no more than three factors.)


答案 Sleep disorders,a poor diet and a heavy body.

解析 由题干关键词a physical heart attack定位至第八段。该段提到愤怒情绪是如何引发心脏病的标准理论:愤怒的人通常睡不好、不常吃药、吃得不好、运动少、抽烟多、越变越胖。这些都被证实是引发心脏疾病的因素。答案限定了列出不超过三个因素,同时问题中factors是复数形式,故答案可以列出两个或三个因素,即“Sleep disorders,a poor diet and a heavy body.”。