Passage Three [br] What does the author mean by saying "the European analogu

游客2023-11-24  16

问题     Passage Three [br] What does the author mean by saying "the European analogue to New York city" in Para. 3?


答案 London is important to Europe,as NY is to America.

解析 根据题干提示定位至第三段第二句。该句提到伦敦是欧洲最重要的金融中心,还是信息产业和专业服务的最大中心之一,这表明伦敦对于欧洲而言非常重要。analogue意为“(在职位、作用、性格等方面)对等的人;对应物”,由此可知“the European analogue to New York city”是在进一步说明伦敦对于欧洲很重要,是和美国纽约地位对等的城市,故答案为“London is important to Europe,as NY is to America.”。