There are five basic functions of a newspaper: to inform, to comment, to pe

游客2023-11-23  10

问题      There are five basic functions of a newspaper: to inform, to comment, to persuade, to instruct and 【C1】______ . You may well think this list of functions is 【C2】______ . order of importance but, if so, you would not be 【C3】______ agreement with the majority of the reading public. 【C4】______ . the two broad kinds of newspapers, the popular and the quality, the former【C5】______ . a readership of millions, while 【C6】______ , only hundreds of thousands. Yet the popular papers seem largely 【C7】______ . for entertainment. Their news coverage contains【C8】______ comment and persuasive language. The quality news- papers 【C9】______ . a much higher value on information and a much lower one on entertainment.
     It is not only in content【C10】______ the two types of paper differ. There is a 【C11】______ in the style in which the articles 【C12】______ .The popular papers generally use more dramatic 【C13】______ with a lot of word - play. Their reporters tend【C14】______ shorter sentences and 【C15】______ less well-known vocabulary. This 【C16】______ . that poplar newspapers are easier for a native speaker understanding, though probably not for a non-native speaker.
     In order to decide【C17】______ a newspaper is a quality or popular one, it is not even necessary to read it, 【C18】______ .  you can tell simply by the【C19】______ it looks. Popular papers are generally smaller 【C20】______ . fewer columns per page. They have bigger headlines and more photographs. The articles are shorter and there are fewer per page. [br] 【C16】

选项 A、points

答案 B

解析 this指代上文中的“Their reporters tend to use shorter sentences and avoid less well-known vocabulary”一句,而that引导的宾语从句则是对上一句话的进一步的解释和说明,因此选动词mean,该动词在此作“意味着”讲。