You said the books were on the desk, but _______ there.A、there was no oneB、ther

游客2023-11-23  3

问题 You said the books were on the desk, but _______ there.

选项 A、there was no one
B、there were none
C、there were no ones
D、was none

答案 B

解析 no one表示“一个也没有”,即“not a single one”,而且no one只代表单数名问,只能指人,谓语也用单数。none表示“……之中没有一个”。none可以代替单数与复数名词,谓语也有单复数。none既可指人,又可指物。此处none指代 books,是复数形式。因此B为正确选项。