A scientific discovery is often made【C1】______ before someone is able to pu

游客2023-11-23  5

问题      A scientific discovery is often made【C1】______ before someone is able to put it to use.【C2】______ , scientists discovered how to split atoms decades【C3】______ the invention of the atomic bomb and the use of【C4】______ power to produce electricity. But sometimes discovery and【C5】______   happen at the same time, as occurred more than thirty years ago【C6】______ the discovery of coherent light and the invention of the laser.
    The word laser【C7】______ "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. To many people, lasers are very mysterious, but a laser is simply a【C8】______ that produces a strong light. The light from the laser is called【C9】______ light because it is light that only moves in one direction.【C10】______ , incoherent light, like the light from the sun or light from a bulb, moves away from its source【C11】______ all directions, so its strength is very spread out. The light from a laser, moving in only one direction and【C12】______ in a narrow beam, is much stronger. Laser light is created by a【C13】______ called stimulated emission. In this process, the atoms of a certain substance, such as a crystal or a gas, are excited 【C14】______ that they produce coherent light. A person working with a laser can aim this coherent light,【C15】______ a laser beam, in any direction.
    As soon as the laser was developed, scientists began thinking of practical applications【C16】______ it. One of the earliest uses was to make extremely precise measurements of distance and speed.【C17】______ , the distance to the moon was measured to within a foot, and the speed of light was measured to 【C18】______ a thousandth of a mile per second. As time【C19】______ , many more applications for the laser were【C20】______ . [br] 【C2】

选项 A、For example

答案 A

解析 此题考查连接词的用法。作者在上一句说“科学发现很长一段时间之后,人们才能将其付诸于应用”,接下来说到“原子裂变”,这显然是在举例说明这个问题,所以正确答案只能选A项For example。因为这里没有涉及因果和转折关系,因此不能使用B项However,D项Therefore或者C项Nevertheless。