______that a society like the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to

游客2023-11-22  9

问题 ______that a society like the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to children is still needed in a civilized country.

选项 A、How does it come
B、How it comes
C、How did it come about
D、How did it come

答案 A

解析 首先应分析出句子的时态环境是现在时,所以应排除B、D此句是疑问句,应将助动词does移至主语前,构成疑问句结构,因此只有A为正确答案。it 是形式主语,that 从句是实际主语。how does it come.意为“……怎么会……”。