SCHOOLBOY JOHN DOYLE suffered a 25,000-volt electric shock and lived. Last nig

游客2023-11-22  11

问题   SCHOOLBOY JOHN DOYLE suffered a 25,000-volt electric shock and lived. Last night he sat up in a hospital bed and learned how lucky he was to be alive. John, 11, had gone train-spotting for the first time in his life on a footbridge near his home. He fell off the 20ft-high bridge, landed among power cables and ended up on the rails. He was dragged clear by his friends just before an express train roared past. He has burns to one ankle and will need a skin graft. His mother said the accident has put her son off train-spotting for life. [br] The schoolboy was reported to have had an accident with______.

选项 A、a train.

答案 C

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