A lot of attention is being given to children who leave school unable to read

游客2023-11-22  11

问题    A lot of attention is being given to children who leave school unable to read or write. I think there should be equal concern for those who are unable to cope with simple mental arithmetic — particularly girls.
   It is often stated that today’s children are growing up in a computer world and they don’t need the same skills that their grandparents did. But is it any wonder that many young girls trying to cope with budget housekeeping fail for the simple reason they cannot keep accurate checks on their purchases?
   Shopping in markets is no source of cheap purchasing unless one is able to keep pace with the apparent mental agility of the vendor.
   Must we face the thought that at some time in the distant future everyone will need to carry in their handbag or pocket one of the miniature calculators?  [br] The writer is concerned about______.

选项 A、budget housekeeping.
B、the retail trade.
C、computer skills.
D、mental arithmetic.

答案 D

解析 此题为快速浏览题。据第1段第2句(主题句)可知。