What’s the main idea of the news? [br] [originaltext] Chinese nationals will

游客2023-11-22  10

问题 What’s the main idea of the news? [br]  
Chinese nationals will be entitled to visa-free entry to Russia starting in August this year, a senior Russian tourist official said yesterday in Beijing, as long as they go in an approved and accompanied tour group.
   Ivan Vvedenski, special counselor of the Federal Agency for Tourism, said that one million Chinese are expected to visit Russia in 2006.
   So far, 672 Chinese tourist agencies have been approved to organize tourist groups there to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Petropavlovsk, Chita and Vladivostok.
   The Russian National Tourism Office’s Visa Free Association, founded in 2003, will receive the Chinese tourist groups.
   The Russian Military Insurance Company will provide travel cover and a Chinese language hotline will provide them with help and advice while there.
   The total number of tourists between the two countries increased by 30 percent last year, and most of them were Russians traveling to China.

选项 A、672 Chinese tourist agencies have been approved to organize tourist groups to Russia.
B、One million Chinese are expected to visit Russia this year.
C、China nationals in an approved tour group, will be visa-free to entry to Russia.
D、The number of tourists between China and Russia increased by 30% last year.

答案 B

解析 本题考查对新闻大意的理解。新闻的开始就讲到:“Chinese nationals will be entitled to visa-free entry to Russia starting in August this year, ...”即从今年8月起,中国公民如果是参加了经过认可的旅行社组织的旅游团到俄罗斯旅行,就可免签证。因此选项D的说法正确。