How many Hamas militants have been killed in the fire? [br] [originaltext]

游客2023-11-22  13

问题 How many Hamas militants have been killed in the fire? [br]  
In the Gaza Strip today, an Israeli airforce plane fired missiles at three Hamas militants who Israel said had fired mortars. An Israeli army spokesman said the men escaped unharmed although their car was destroyed.
     An Israeli army spokesman said the three men had fired a mortar shot from hand units in southern Gaza in the direction of Jewish settlements in Gaza and were preparing to launch more. Military sources said the strike was not an Israeli assassination attempt, but an assault on a gunman as they were firing. Yesterday three workers, one Chinese and two Palestinians, were killed, when Palestinians fired mortars at a Jewish settlement in Gaza. Palestinian leader Muhammadan Abbas travelled to Gaza today for a talk with Hamas. Abbas urged Israel to stop what he called" illogical acts", like the missile strikes, which he said could cause the current ceasefire to collapse. Israel says Abbas must do more to stop their rocket and mortar fire.

选项 A、Three Hamas militants.
B、Three Palestinians.
C、One Chinese and two Palestinians.
D、Three Israelites.

答案 C

解析 本题考查对新闻细节的捕捉。根据文中原文:“Yesterday three workers,one Chinese and two Palestinians,were killed,when Palestinians fired mortars at a Jewish settlement in Gaza.”可以得出昨天巴勒斯坦入朝犹太人定居点发射了炮弹,造成三名工人死亡,其中一名是中国人,另外两名是巴勒斯坦人。选项C为正确答案。