The Olympic Games originated in 776 BC in Olympia, a small town in Greece. P

游客2023-11-22  12

问题     The Olympic Games originated in 776 BC in Olympia, a small town in Greece. Participants in the first Olympiad are said to have run a 200-yard race, but as the Games were held every four years, they expanded in scope. Only Greek amateurs were allowed to participate in this festival in honor of the god Zeus. The event became a religious, patriotic, and athletic occasion where winners were honored with wreaths and special privileges. There was a profound change in the nature of the Games under the Roman emperors. They were banned in 394 AD by Emperor Theodosius, after they became professional circuses and carnivals.
    The modern Olympic Games began in Athens in 1896 as a result of the initiative of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French educator whose desire was to promote international understanding through athletics. Nine nations participated in the first Games; over 100 nations currently compete.
     The taint of politics and racial controversy, however, has impinged upon the Olympic Games in our epoch. In 1936, Hitler, whose country hosted the Games, affronted Jesse Owens, a black American runner, by refusing to congratulate Owens for the feat of having won four gold medals. In the 1972 Munich Games, the world was appalled by the deplorable murder of eleven Israeli athletes by Arab terrorists. The next Olympic Games in Montreal were boycotted by African nations. In 1980, following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, sixty-two nations caused great dismay to their athletes by refusing to participate in the Games. The consensus among those nations was that their refusal would admonish the Soviets. [br] From the passage, we can infer that Hitler’s refusal to congratulate Jesse Owens was an indication of______.

选项 A、jealousy
B、national pride
C、racial discrimination
D、political prejudice

答案 C

解析 第三段的第一句“The taint of politics and racial controversy,however,has impinged upon the Olympic Games in our epoch”是本段的主题句,希特勒的例子是用来说明这个主题句的。Jesse Owens是位黑人运动员,因此确切地说,此题反映的是种族歧视,而不是D所表示的政治偏见。A、B所表示的嫉妒和大民族主义不能由文意推理得出。