The author indicates at the beginning of the passage that [br] According to the

游客2023-11-21  10

问题 The author indicates at the beginning of the passage that [br] According to the passage, enjoying music is not an end in itself because people hope to ______through listening.

选项 A、learn more musical devices
B、know more about composers
C、communicate more effectively
D、understand music better

答案 D

解析 细节题。第二段一开头就指出欣赏音乐本身不是一个静止的目的,不会到此为止,而是会随着对音乐理解的加深而加深。人们也会为了更好地欣赏音乐而去探究音乐的本质。因此,欣赏音乐和理解音乐之间是一种良好的互动关系。