_______you_______further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for adv

游客2023-11-21  7

问题 _______you_______further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.

选项 A、If, had
B、Have, had
C、Should, have
D、In case, had

答案 C

解析 本题译文:要是你的打印机还有其他问题,请和经销商联系以获得帮助。本题考查虚拟语气。本句表示对现在和将来情况的虚拟:Should you have further problems其实是从If you should have further problems转化而来的,通常这类从句后面,主句的谓语用祈使语气或陈述语气,例如:Should you require anything,just give me a ring.(你要是需要什么就给我打电话。)Should I be free tomorrow,I will come to see you.(如果明天我有空,我会来看你。)由于本题的主句正是祈使句,从句显然应该由should引导,故C是正确答案。若答案为A,则主句谓语要用虚拟语气would+动词原形,而不用祈使语气。D.In case“万一,以免,以防”,后面一般跟现在时或者should+动词原形,例如:I always take an umbrella in case it rains.(我总是带上一把伞,以防下雨。)I wrote down her address in case I should forget it.(我记下了她的地址,免得忘了。)