Learn from the mistakes of others. You won’t ______ to make them all yourself.A、

游客2023-11-20  6

问题 Learn from the mistakes of others. You won’t ______ to make them all yourself.

选项 A、last long enough
B、stay long enough
C、live long enough
D、have an enough life

答案 C

解析 本句中动词不定式加上enough是做结果状语的。本句的意思是“你不可能活得那么长久把别人所犯的错误都去犯一遍”。当然不会是last也不是stay。而最后一个选项不对,因为enough是形容词,后面的动词不定式不再是结果状语,而是目的状语了。如果是have a life long enough to...也就对了。