What did the man do during the winter vocation? [br] [originaltext]M: Did you d

游客2023-11-20  9

问题 What did the man do during the winter vocation? [br]  
M: Did you do anything during the winter vocation?
W: Not much. What did you do then?
M: I had planned to go skiing or swimming but I wound up studying for the National Test.
M: The storm is going to continue. I would like to go fishing, but now it is impossible.
W: Yes. It is a shame. But it is obvious that we can go swimming together today.

选项 A、Fishing.
C、Doing something impossible.
D、Feeling sorry about it.

答案 A

解析 对活是说因为暴风雨不停而打乱了计划。选择答案时应注意问题的时态是过去时,不是现在时。问题问的是他原来打算干什么。