Street sellers, particularly in developing countries,【C1】______large amounts

游客2023-11-17  15

问题     Street sellers, particularly in developing countries,【C1】______large amounts of food to people【C2】______low incomes. This sector also employs some 6-25% of the work force, mainly women, in developing countries, and provides markets for agricultural and other【C3】______. In many countries,【C4】______, the authorities are not willing to【C5】______it as a formal sector of the food supply system. They may【C6】______it in food control programs or even try to put an end to it.
    There are two possible【C7】______: pathogenic micro-organisms and【C8】______chemicals. As【C9】______as micro-organisms are concerned, there is apparently no convincing evidence that street foods are more【C10】______in the【C11】______of infection than foods obtained in, e.g. hotels. Studies in Egypt and elsewhere have found street foods to compare not【C12】______with hotel foods in respect of contamination with micro-organisms — some street foods were found to be contaminated with pathogens,【C13】______so were foods from four-and five-star hotels in the same area.
    Hazardous chemicals have been found in street foods, and food exposed for sale on roadsides may become contaminated by lead from vehicle【C14】______.
    Health dangers may【C15】______with: purchase of raw【C16】______of poor quality; improper storage,【C17】______, and cooking; limited piped drinking-water; lack of refrigeration; unsatisfactory waste-disposal facilities; and personal cleanliness. The authorities should take【C18】______account the potentials of different categories of food for transmitting disease. Dry foodstuff, dried grains, and【C19】______foods are less likely to transmit disease than gravies, cooked rice, and low-acid milk, egg, and meat products. Similarly foods which are【C20】______cooked and eaten at once are safer than precooked food kept at high temperatures for several hours. [br] 【C6】

选项 A、ignore

答案 A

解析 词义辨析题ignore“(主观故意)忽视(某人[某事物])”,如You’ve been ignoringme.你一直不把我放在眼里。neglect“(主观非故意)疏忽,忽略”,如:Heneglected his health.他疏忽了他的健康。overlook“由于粗心、放任而没看出或采取行动”,如:He overlooked my errors.他忽视了我的错误。forget忘记。此处指政府明知而故意忽视,故选A。