The dictionary is very thick and it______10,000 pages.A、runs afterB、runs out of

游客2023-11-16  4

问题 The dictionary is very thick and it______10,000 pages.

选项 A、runs after
B、runs out of
C、runs through
D、runs to

答案 D

解析 该题是词汇题,考查动词run的短语辨析。短语run after sb./sth.意思是“追逐、追赶”,如:The dog is running after the hens.那只狗正在追母鸡。短语run out of sth.意思是“耗尽”,如:The human race will run out of some natural resources very soon.人类将很快耗尽某些自然资源。短语run through sth.意思是“快速穿越、迅速传遍”,如:Thoughts of revenge kept running through his mind.报复的念头不断在他的脑子里闪过。短语run to sth.意思是“达到(某一规模或数量)”,如:The number of students in that middle school runs to 20,000.那所中学有两万名学生。因此,根据题意,选项D为最佳答案。