In contrast to logic, there is common sense, or still better, the Spirit of
In contrast to logic, there is common sense, or still better, the Spirit of
In contrast to logic, there is common sense, or still better, the Spirit of Reasonableness. I think of the Spirit of Reasonableness as the highest and sanest ideal of human culture, and the reasonable man as the highest type of cultivated human being. No one can be perfect; he can only aim at being a likeable, reasonable being. In fact, I look forward to the time when the people of the world will be informed with this reasonable spirit, both in their personal and their national affairs. Reasonable nations live in peace and reasonable husbands and wives live in happiness. In the selection of husbands for my daughters, I shall have only one standard: is he a reasonable person? We cannot imagine perfect husbands and wives who never quarrel; we can only conceive of reasonable husbands and wives who quarrel reasonably and then patch up reasonably. Only in a world of reasonable beings can we have peace and happiness. The Reasonable Age, if that should ever come about, will be the Age of Peace. It will be the age in which the Spirit of Reasonableness prevails.
The Spirit of Reasonableness is the best thing that China has to offer to the West. I do not mean that Chinese warlords are reasonable when they tax the people fifty years ahead; I mean only that the Spirit of Reasonableness is the essence and best side of Chinese civilization. I had this discovery of mine accidentally confirmed by two Americans who had lived a long time in China. One, who had lived in China for thirty years, said that the foundation of all Chinese social life is based on the word chiangli, or "talk reason". In a Chinese quarrel, the final clinching argument is, "Now is this reasonable?" and the worst and commonest condemnation is that a man "pu chiangli" or "does not talk reason. "The man who admits being "unreasonable" is already defeated in the dispute.
I have said that: "For a Westerner, it is usually sufficient for a proposition to be logically sound. For a Chinese it is not sufficient that a proposition be logically correct, but it must be at the same time in accord with human nature. In fact to be ’in accord with human nature’, to be chinch’ing (i.e. , to be human), is a greater consideration than to be logical. " "The Chinese word for reasonableness is ch’ingli, which is composed of two elements, ch’ing (jench’ing) or human nature, and li (t’ienli) or eternal reason. Ch’ing represents the flexible, human element, while li represents the immutable law of the universe. " A cultured man is one who understands thoroughly the human heart and the laws of things. By living in harmony with the natural ways of the human heart and of nature, the Confucianist claims that he can become a sage. But then the sage is no more than a reasonable person, like Confucius, who is chiefly admired for his plain, common sense and his natural human qualities, i. e. , for his great humanness. [br] Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
A、A westerner is never satisfied with logical soundness.
B、Peace derives from reason.
C、Being human is to be reasonable.
D、A civilized man is one who knows well laws of nature.
细节题。第三段第一句“For a Westerner,it is usually sufficient for a proposition to be logically sound.”可推知A项错误。由第一段中的“The Reasonable Age,if that should ever come about,will be the Age of Peace.”可知B正确。C和D在文中都有相关阐述,是正确陈述。该题选不正确项,故选A。
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