How to Face Distress and Frustration Thirty years ago, H

游客2023-11-14  15

问题                     How to Face Distress and Frustration
    Thirty years ago, Hugues de Mon-talembert was enjoying life in New York City as a painter and a filmmaker when he burst in on two thieves trashing his apartment. One of them threw paint remover in his face. By the next morning, the 35-year-old artist was totally blind. He plunged as deeply into despair as he did into the darkness that greeted him each morning when he awoke in the hospital after dreaming that he could see. When his mother wanted to rush from France to his bedside, he said no—he knew he would end up consoling (安慰) her. "People hate tragedy. "He writes simply. Yet those he didn’t know—doctors, nurses, other patients—would talk to him, often confiding intimate details of their lives. He realized it was because they knew he couldn’t see them. They would be as anonymous as if he were a priest (牧师) in a darkened confessional.
    What’s inspiring—he would hate that word, too—is how ferociously de Montalem-bert leapt back into the world, a world made more enormous by his blindness. He forced himself to journey solo to Bali, a place he had loved when he could see. Later he went alone to India, including a trek to the Himalayas, in pursuit of a ballerina (芭蕾舞女) with whom he’d fallen in love. Love wasn’t just a consolation but the act that reignited (重新激起) the idea of being alive. Still, he had to face what was lost.
    De Montalembert is clear about the good fortune in his life. He lives in Paris, Denmark, and Majorca. He writes and has a host of internal friendships. "The fact that I lost my sight is very spectacular," he says, "but there are things which are much more terrible." In Paris one day, a Cambodian taxi driver extended his sympathy for de Monta-lembert’s obvious plight (困境). The author thanked him but remarked that there were "people much more wounded than me". The cabbie was silent and then said that his wife and children had been killed before his eyes in Cambodia. "So there he was,"the author writes, "driving his cab in Paris with this huge wound that noboby could see. " Except, of course, for the man who was blind. [br] Why would the doctors, nurses, other patients talk intimate details of their lives to Hugues?

选项 A、Because he was a priest then, people liked to confess to him.
B、Because he was a good listener and was friendly to others.
C、Because he was blind and could never saw them.
D、They wanted to comfort him for his misfortune.

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。根据题干关键词doctors,nurses等定位到文章第一段倒数第三句:Yet those he didn’t know--doctors,nurses,other patients--would talk to him,often confiding intimate details of their lives.在随后一句中作者指出de Montalembert意识到是因为他失明所以大家才肯向他说出自己心中的秘密。[A]字面理解,脱离上下文,向牧师告解只是作者的比如说法;[B]文中未提及;[D]“他们想安慰他”不是他们这样做的本意。