The Functions and Development of the Community Health Workers AIDS

游客2023-11-14  12

问题           The Functions and Development of the Community Health Workers
    AIDS can kill by disgrace even when lifesaving medical treatment is available. Until recently, an HIV-infected woman in Sauri, Kenya, was discouraged by her husband, also HIV-infected, from seeking medical care because of his fear of disgrace. All too often, death quickly ensues in such cases. But not in this one. Husband and wife were saved by Mary Wasonga, a fellow villager recently trained to be a community health worker by the Millennium Village Project, which is helping more than 400,000 people in dozens of African communities fight extreme poverty, hunger and disease. Wasonga visited the couple and encouraged them to get home-based HIV testing and counseling, and then helped them enroll in a treatment program. Indeed, she and the 82 other community health workers in Sauri have helped thousands of villagers do the same.
    These workers also attend to women in labor who need urgent transport to a delivery room, individuals too weakened by cholera to get to a clinic, children with malaria and many others. They do this with one year of on-the-job training that builds on at least some secondary education. That basic training is enough to save lives in vast numbers.
    Across Africa, Asia and Latin America, programs are under way that are reminiscent of China’s successful use of village-based health workers—the so-called barefoot doctors—a few decades ago, but today’s workers have even better health-care tools. The mother of all community health efforts is India’s National Rural Health Mission. Initiated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and spearheaded by the young, dynamic Minister of Health, Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss, the program has, in just over three years, mobilized more than half a million new community health workers, each known as an ASHA—short for "accredited social health activist," and the Hindi word for hope.
    Technology companies and foundations are also joining the effort to support community health workers. Mobile-phone giant Ericsson is empowering these workers with phones and support systems for training, reporting vital statistics and calling ambulances, among other services. In India, Saty-am Computer Services and other organizat-ions have partnered with the state government of Andhra Pradesh to provide emerg-encyrresponse coverage for 80 million people. The Gates Foundation is similarly stepping up its programs of mobile-phone-based health delivery.
    In the coming years, community health workers can support a breakthrough in the decisive control of many devastating diseases. The rich world can help through expanded financial support for community health workers and training programs by its universities. And the U. S. can learn something from these programs: we too need to enlist more community workers to help our own poor and vulnerable. [br] We can learn from this passage that______.

选项 A、Mary Wasonga saved Kenya and her husband because they are her fellow villagers
B、Chinese doctors are all barefooted
C、the U.S.need to enlist Indian community workers to help American people
D、not only governments but also companies offer great help to support community health workers

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。本题需要综合全文对各个选项的准确性进行判断。首先,玛丽·维赛格为Kenya和她的丈夫提供救助并非是出于同乡关系,而是这是印度开展的一个治疗计划,排除[A];“赤脚医生”只是对以前中国农村医疗人员的一个称呼,并非指中国医生都是赤脚,排除[B];最后一句指的是美国需要征召更多的本国社区工作者,而不是从印度征召,排除[C];第四段第一句提到了政府和企业为此付出的种种努力,由此可知正确选项为[D]。