We shall______the question of the new swimming-pool at the next committee meetin

游客2023-11-14  11

问题 We shall______the question of the new swimming-pool at the next committee meeting.

选项 A、bring about
B、bring round
C、bring up
D、bring off

答案 C

解析 该题是词汇题,考查动词短语的意义辨析。短语bring about意思是“引起、实现”,如:She made various efforts to bring about a peaceful solution of the problem.她想方设法以和平解决这个问题。短语bring round意思是“使苏醒”,如:We threw water over the woman to bring her round.我们向那位妇女泼水,希望她能苏醒过来。短语bring up意思是“提出(供讨论)、抚养”,如:New questions are constantly being brought up at the meeting.新的问题在会上不断地被提出来。短语bring off意思是“使成功”,如:You have brought it off at last.I am proud you passed the exaln.你终于成功了。我很骄傲你通过了考试。因此,根据题意,选项C为最佳答案。