What’s the conversation mainly about? [br] [originaltext]M: Good morning. I’m L

游客2023-11-13  20

问题 What’s the conversation mainly about? [br]  
M: Good morning. I’m Li Ping from East China University. I have come to discuss my visa application.
W: Oh, yes. How do you do, Mr. Li? My name is Mary Bond. Have you ever been to America?
M: I was in America as a visiting scholar from March through July last year.
W: Why do you want to go to the USA again?
M: I want to study for a doctorate.
W: Have you been accepted by a university?
M: Yes. Massachusetts Institute of Technology has accepted me as a research graduate. Here is the letter of acceptance.
W: That’s fine. Do you have a state scholarship or are you a private student?
M: I have a state scholarship.
W: How long do you intend to stay in the USA?
M: About two years.
W: Does your scholarship cover the whole two years?
M: Yes, it does.
W: And where will you live?
M: I hope to live on the university campus. I have a letter here from my professor about accommodation.
W: May I have a look? Is your family going with you?
M: Oh, no, I am going alone, and my wife will remain in China.
W: Well, that’s all. Thank you, Mr. Li. We will contact you when your visa is ready.
M: Do you have any idea when that will be? I was told to register in the university before September 20th.
W: On August 30th.

选项 A、In March.
B、In July.
C、In August.
D、In September.

答案 D

解析 时间推断题。在对话的末尾那个申请签证的男士说到他要在9月20日之前去学校注册,因此答案为D。