At some point, most homeowners find that their home no longer suits their li

游客2023-11-12  8

问题     At some point, most homeowners find that their home no longer suits their lifestyle needs. You may have purchased your home when there were just two in your family and now there are four. Or perhaps you’re working at home more and need space for a home office.
    A question that often comes to mind is whether it’s better to remodel your existing home to fit your new lifestyle, or sell the home and buy another one.
    The decision is an easy one if you’re not satisfied with your current neighborhood. If the local public schools don’t work for your children, and you can’t afford the cost of private schooling, it probably makes sense to move to an area with good public schools rather than spend money to remodel your existing home. If your neighborhood works for you, start researching whether your home can be modified to suit you for a price that’s affordable. Make a list of the features your current home lacks as well as those features that you want and need. Ask friends who remodeled recently, or your real estate agent, to recommend architects to you.
    Meet with an architect—you may want to interview several—to discuss the feasibility of the project you have in mind. This will also give you an opportunity to see if an architect is someone with whom you’d like to work. Make sure you talk with local architects who know the ins and outs of the local zoning and permitting departments. You may want to have preliminary drawings done, but don’t spend money on a complete set of architectural plans until you’re sure you want to move forward. Once you know the renovation is practicable, consult with contractors to get ballpark estimates of how much the project will cost.
    Homeowners often make the mistake of assuming that they’ll recoup the full cost of a major renovation when they sell. This is rarely the case, unless you own the property for a significant time after the renovations are completed. So don’t undertake a major remodel unless you plan to stay in your home for the long run.
    It’s a good idea to talk to your real estate agent to make sure that the renovations you’re contemplating won’t over-improve your home relative to other homes in the neighborhood. For example, one couple needed a larger home for their growing family. They lived in a residence zone where homes were the same size and approximately the same value. Creating a larger home in a neighborhood of small homes would have been a mistake financially because the most expensive home in the neighborhood usually sells at a discount. Instead of remodeling, these homeowners bought a larger home in a more prosperous neighborhood. This house also needs renovations, but the neighborhood easily supports making this kind of investment.
    To ensure you make the right choice, weigh your decision to move or remodel carefully based on the cost, the work necessary, the location and nature of your neighborhood and surrounding homes. No matter what your decision may be, with all the information at hand, you’ll make a better investment in the end. [br] What can we learn from the passage?

选项 A、A talk with other architects may annoy the one you have chosen.
B、If your home is exclusive in your residence region, you cannot get along well with your neighbors.
C、You should consider the issue of whether to move or to remodel from financial aspect.
D、You will always take back the whole expense of remodeling when you sell the current home.

答案 C

解析 推理题。由第二段“是重新装修来满足你的风格,还是卖掉这套房子另置一套,这是经常浮现在脑海中的问题”可知,[C]正确。文中第四段提到可以多咨询几个建筑师,并没有提到咨询其他建筑师会让你已经选定的建筑师感到生气,故排除[A];另外,文中倒数第二段提到如果你的家比你周围豪华许多,在卖房子的时候会吃亏的,而并没有提到会处不好邻里关系,故排除[B];[D]”在转让房子时总能收回装修时的全部成本”与文中第五段中“Homeowners often make the mistakeof…you own the property for a significant time after the renovations are completed.”(房主很少能在卖房时收回装修的成本,除非是在房子装修之后很长时间才出售)内容不符。