Everyone would have heard the famous phrase" Anger is one short of danger".

游客2023-11-11  11

问题     Everyone would have heard the famous phrase" Anger is one short of danger". It is an age-old adage, but it is(1)______and still holds true. Thing said or done during anger have created(2)______ with a lot of people and things. The(3)______ packed bag of mental frustration(4) ______ into a volcano of anger. But basically let’s try to analyze(5) ______one gets angry? When one is not satisfied with the way things have(6)______, when someone has been taken for a ride, when one (7)______ life for treating him badly, and many such(8)______ things are the various reasons. All the frustrations get collected on one part of our mind and when we can(9)______ it no longer, our feelings are(10)______ in the form of a volcano of emotional tantrums. Anger is one of the major hindrances in self-development, because it(11)______ our outlook. The mind looses its(12)______of logic and fairness, when it is accelerated by the arrogant mood of anger.
    Getting angry can get your things done(13)______, but not everywhere. This is because(14)______you grow, you yourself are responsible to clean your recycle bin of emotions and frustrations. No one has the foresight or(15)______to judge what has brought you(16)______that violent mood or what hardships you have faced. Angry people hardly go places. The(17) ______one comes to this piece of reality, the better he will get.
    The best way to counterattack anger is to absorb patience in ourselves. A person with infinite patience has matured mentally, and is the bravest war-horse over the(18)______ of anger. He controlled himself every time and got(19)______ from trying circumstances using the best lifeline available. Such people are always in(20)______ with themselves and are always enjoying life. [br] (7)

选项 A、scolds

答案 D

解析 动词辨析题。[D]blames意为“责怪,怪罪”,blame sb./sth.for sth.“把……归咎于,责怪”,符合文意,故选[D]。[A]scolds强调“责骂,责备”,[B]accuses意为“指控”,较为严重,并且accuse后面接的是of,accuse sb.of sth.“控告某人……”,[C]criticizes意为“批评”,含有批判之意,均可以排除。