It is an understood fact that water helps mobilize soluble nutrients, transp

游客2023-11-10  6

问题     It is an understood fact that water helps mobilize soluble nutrients, transport waste materials and regulates body temperature.(1)______ consumption can result in elevated blood pressure and increased amounts of(2)______ in blood. Water also helps in the transportation and (3)______ of fat cells in the body. Our competitive lifestyles have (4)______us to eating junk foods containing empty calories of zero nutritional value. This exhausts the natural reserves of nutrients and only ends up(5)______ increased amounts of fat.
    Natural foodstuffs,(6)______the human body, are also made up of water. These foods are packed with nutrients in their watery bases and are perfect(7)______ for deep fried and processed foods.(8)______the inclusion of water-based fruits and vegetables like carrots, apples, water melons, lemon, grapes, kiwi, spinach, cucumber and radishes, one is said to(9)______ as much as 800 calories per day.
    The logic behind water dense foods is the fact that, they will(10)______the body without causing it additional harm.(11)______, the nutrients they contain will(12)______ the natural reserves and help make physical functions better.
     (13)______ water aids in easier and faster digestion of food, it is responsible for resulting in a high (14)______. This, in turn, helps in burning fat. However, knowing how much water to consume to(15)______weight loss is essential. It is believed that every 1 Kilogram of body weight requires at least 0. 033 litres of water to maintain(16)______physical functions. So, an average male weighing 60 kilograms, needs to drink at least 2 litres of water to be able to shed weight(17) ______. Drinking at least 3 glasses of cold water every morning(18)______breakfast, will set your metabolism(新陈代谢)(19)______. This will keep burning the fat cells throughout the day, even(20)______resting. [br] (4)

选项 A、caused

答案 B

解析 动词辨析题。[B]reduced“迫使(陷入某种状态),使不得不”,通常后接 doing,符合此处的句意和句型,是正确答案。[A]caused“导致,成为……原因”,可用于句型cause+n.+to do,不符合此处句型;[D]compelled“强迫,迫使”后接名词再加不定式,也不符合此处句型;[C]adapted“使适应,适合”,可排除。